Command Line Interface

Meta queries

Query node address

$ raiden-cli address

Channel Management

Get a list of all unsettled channels

$ raiden-cli channels

List channels for the given token address

$ raiden-cli channels --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17

Query information about one of your channels

$ raiden-cli channel \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --partner-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18

Create channel

$ raiden-cli channel-open \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --partner-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18 \
    --settle-timeout 100 \
    --total-deposit 3000

Close channel

$ raiden-cli  channel-close \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --partner-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18

Increase channel deposit

$ raiden-cli deposit-increase \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --partner-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18 \
    --total-deposit 3400

Withdraw tokens

$ raiden-cli withdraw-increase \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --partner-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18 \
    --total-withdraw 3400

Query information about Tokens

List of registered tokens addresses

$ raiden-cli tokens

Non-settled channels of partners for a certain token

$ raiden-cli non-settled --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17

Connections Management

List all joined token networks

$ raiden-cli connections

Join a token network

$ raiden-cli connect \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --funds 3400 \
    --initial-channel-target 10 \
    --joinable-funds-target 20

Leave a token network

$ raiden-cli disconnect --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17


Make a Payment

$ raiden-cli payment \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --target-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18 \
    --amount 20 \
    --identifier 1

List payment events

$ raiden-cli payment-events \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --target-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18

API endpoint for testing

$ raiden-cli mint-token \
    --token-address 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a17 \
    --to 0x145737846791E749f96344135Ce211BE8C510a18 \
    --value 100 \
    --contract-method mint