Implement Raiden API endpoint

In case if Raiden API add new endpoint client should implement following steps:

Create new endpoint interface

1. Create new plugin file at raiden_client/endpoints/ (like

  1. Implement endpoint from BaseEndpoint abstract class

# raiden_client/endpoints/

from raiden_client.endpoints import BaseEndpoint

class NewEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
    # Response data stored in Class attribute
    stored_response = None

    # In case if endpoint require payload, it can be pass via __init__
    def __init__(self, token_address: str) -> None:
        self.token_address = token_address

    def name(self) -> str:
        # Endpoint unique name (for convention)
        return "new-endpoint"

    def endpoint(self) -> str:
        # New endpoint URI
        return "/endpoint"

    def method(self) -> str:
        # HTTP method to interact with endpoint
        return "post"

    def payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        # Payload to send on Raiden API endpoint
        return {"token_address": self.token_address}

    def from_dict(self, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        # Load response results into class attribute
        self.stored_response = response

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        # Get endpoint data
        return {"stored_response": self.stored_response}
  1. Add new method at Client interface: raiden_client/interfaces/

def new_endpoint(self, token_address: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Query your address."""
    endpoint = NewEndpoint(token_address=token_address)
    # Send request to API via RaidenAPI instance
    return self.raiden_api.request(endpoint)

4. Create new command at raiden_client/interfaces/cli_commands/ (like

# raiden_client/interfaces/cli_commands/ content

from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace, _SubParsersAction

from raiden_client import Client, utils

def configure_parser(arg_parser: ArgumentParser, subparser: _SubParsersAction) -> None:
    tokens = subparser.add_parser("new-endpoint", help="Query list of registered tokens")
    tokens.add_argument("-t", "--token-address", required=False, help="For the given token address")

def parser_function(args: Namespace) -> str:
    client = Client(endpoint=args.endpoint, version=args.version)
    tokens = client.new_endpoint(token_address=args.token_address)
    return utils.print_stdout(tokens)
  1. Register CLI command at raiden_client.interfaces.cli.CLI_ENDPOINTS


5. Write corresponding test to be sure that interface interact in expected way (regarding raiden api docs)

  1. Run linters

$ isort . --recursive -c -l 120 --skip venv/
$ flake8 . --exclude=venv/
$ pytest --cov=./raiden_client --cov-fail-under=100